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Cinelex, founded in the UK in 2016, offers a range of wireless DMX products.


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About Cinelex

In late 2016, Cinelex launched its first range of wireless DMX products. From the outset, the vision was clear: to offer a universal DMX light control system specifically designed for the TV and film production industry. A few years later, thousands of Skynode, Skybridge and TRX units have been sold and are in use on film sets around the world. From independent gaffers to rental companies, all agree that these products work perfectly.

Cinelex's range of wireless DMX products offers solutions to suit every budget. Using the latest protocol standards, Cinelex offers a truly universal standard for wireless DMX, meeting the specific needs of TV and film productions. The brand has become the go-to solution for wireless DMX control. New products include Scycast-A, Skycast-C, Skynode 2 and the Gaffer Control Starter Pack.

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