
Manfrotto is an Italian brand of camera and lighting supports that has established itself in the film, broadcast and television industries. The brand offers quality products for amateurs and professionals alike.

The company is now one of the industry leaders, thanks to its positioning and the high quality of its service.


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About Manfrotto

Ă€ la fin des annĂ©es 1960, Lino Manfrotto, photojournaliste italien, commence Ă  crĂ©er des supports pour appareils photo, tels que des trĂ©pieds et des tiges tĂ©lescopiques. En 1972, il s'associe avec Gilberto Battochio, un technicien de Bassano Del Grappa. En 1974, l'entreprise Manfrotto lance son premier trĂ©pied. D'ici 1986, la marque exploite six usines Ă  Bassano et en ouvre cinq nouvelles Ă  Feltre en deux ans seulement.  

In 1989, the British Vitec Group acquired Manfrotto. This was followed by the acquisition of the French company Gitzo in 1992 and the American Bogen Photo Corp in 1993.

Depuis plus de cinq dĂ©cennies, Manfrotto se distingue par son expertise et son savoir-faire inĂ©galĂ© dans la fabrication de supports pour appareil photo. Chaque produit est conçu avec une prĂ©cision et une attention mĂ©ticuleuse aux dĂ©tails, garantissant une fiabilitĂ© et une performance exceptionnelle.

The brand is synonymous with innovation, regularly introducing cutting-edge solutions to meet the needs of professional photographers and videographers worldwide.

Manfrotto is committed to building a more sustainable and inclusive future. The company implements strategies to reduce its carbon footprint, optimizing its manufacturing processes and using eco-friendly materials. Diversity is at the heart of its corporate culture; Manfrotto strives to create an inclusive work environment that values difference and encourages innovation. What's more, like us, it believes in the power of photography and videography to inspire and connect people. That's why the brand invests in initiatives that give back to its communities, supporting creative and educational projects that use images to make a difference.

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